In this page you can find some of the projects I love the most. As you can see there's plenty of work stuff,
but I always find some spare time for having fun, learn new things and make foolish experiments.
Toolbox for Strava
A growing set of utilities for the connected rider
I consider Strava one of the greatest invention of mankind. If you are an athlete and especially a cyclist, it can definitely change the way you train. I had some fun experimenting with Strava API and the results were so interesting that I thought: "Hey, I gotta release this thing to the public!". This is how my Toolbox for Strava was born. Appreciated by thousands of users worldwide, this project won the 2nd prize at the 2016 Strava Developer Challange!
Personal Project
The Best Animated Backgrounds
A mind-blowing gallery for anyone who loves animated GIF
I had some fun putting together this little scrollable gallery of mind-blowing animated backgrounds created with some of the best, perfectly cropped and smoothly looped GIFs I've found on the Web. Best viewed on a desktop computer: just press F11 to turn your browser in fullscreen mode and enjoy!
Personal Project
Free video portfolio theme for Wordpress
Wakizashi is a free WordPress theme designed and developed designed and developed by myself with filmmakers and video-producers in mind. With a very simple and clean design, this theme is very easy to setup: you can create your own portfolio in minutes adding your videos hosted on the popular service Vimeo.
Open Source
Personal Project
Bike Showcase iPhone App
The ultimate mobile app for cycling enthusiasts
I made this free iPhone app in partnership with my friends at Minisimpli as a natural extension of Bike Showcase. The app offers the same huge selection of cute bikes and adds some interesting features. In particular: users can express their votes, generating rankings of the top brands and the most beautiful bikes in the world, sorted by category.
Personal Project
Verbose Watchface for Pebble
For real nerds only
If you own a Pebble smartwatch, you are probably a nerd. And if you are a nerd, you'll love my Verbose Watchface: it shows in a single Pebble window a bunch of data like time, date, battery and BlueTooth connection status, weather conditions... Everything displayed with a terminal-inspired look & feel (no graphics or cool typography this time!).
Open Source
Personal Project
A jQuery plugin for useless random animations
jQuery.RandomBlinker is a little jQuery plugin that creates a nice random animation effect. The effect principle is very easy to understand and customize: a full width table is created in the target container and its cells are randomically turned on and off at a given interval. This project is also available on GitHub.
Open Source
Personal Project
Responsive Email Template
A free and flexible template for your email campaign
With the help of a very useful resource like Responsive Email Patterns, I created this free responsive email template focused on the following features: full width header with responsive navigation; 3 easily combinable content modules; clean footer with social icons and legal links.
Personal Project
Open Source
Bike Showcase
An inspiration point for cycling enthusiasts
Tumblr is such a fantastic tool. I'm using it as a quick and easy CMS for this showcase of cool bicycles I've recently made. I customized the theme with some CSS3 effects, a "search by brand" form with autocomplete and a color filter tool. I'm having fun with this simple but powerful little thing.
Personal Project
Il Grande Ciclismo
Prosopopea della Bicicletta
And here's another experiment on Tumblr. I had felt the need of this new space on the web since I discovered that a small photocamera fits perfectly in the backpocket of my cycling uniform... Just add a nice vintage touch to the pictures and you can turn any bicycle ride into a heroic endeavor worthy of Fausto Coppi or Gino Bartali.
Personal Project
A free and flexible theme for WordPress
Kusarigama is a WordPress theme with a focus on flexibility and customization, with clean layout and a wide usage of CSS3, its full support to some of the latest WordPress features Kusarigama is perfect both for the newbie blogger and for the WordPress ninja. Kusarigama is available for free download, as my personal gift to the amazing WordPress community. Source code now available on GitHub.
Personal Project
Open Source
The citation visualizer for WordPress
I like strong typography. I like WordPress. I like inspiring quotes from inspiring people. That's the spirit behind CoolvetiQuotes, a very simple WordPress theme with which you can quicky publish your favorite quotes and give them a custom background to obtain the perfect mood you want, creating a colorful stream of words. Source code now available on GitHub.
Personal Project
Open Source