4 Tools For Agile Project Management And Team Collaboration

February 21st, 2015

In this post I’m going to share 4 of my favorite online tools for agile project management and smart collaboration. I’ve had the chance to try all of them at work or for personal side projects and I appreciated the specific features they offer in order to meet my needs in different situations and with different people.

In fact (very important note) the tools in this list are not designed to do the same job. For this reason, I can’t say which is the best: you should choose the one that better fits your requirements and can adapt more easily to your organization and project.


URL: https://asana.com/


WHAT’S FOR: Asana is ideal for email replacement, task management and team collaboration and can be used in large organizations.

BEST FEATURES: Beautiful and intuitive user interface and good mobile compatibility

PRICE: Free version for up to 15 members (unlimited projects). Paid versions from $30/month.


URL: http://www.basecamp.com/


WHAT’S FOR: Basecamp is a comprehensive agile project management tool, ideal for tracking project’s checklists, tasks, owners and deadlines within an intuitive UI, quite different from traditional GANTT-based tools.

PRICE: Basecamp starts at $20/month up to $150/month, depending on how many projects and how much cloud storage you need. A free 30-day trial is available.



URL: https://trello.com/


WHAT’S FOR: Trello uses the kanban methodology for super-agile project management and smart collaboration. I use it extensively at work, not only for project and task management, but also as an editorial/marketing shared calendar within a 50+ people organization. Anyway, Trello is perfect for managing visually a typical project roadmap (ideas and requests, what’s in development, bugs, etc.): for example, I’m using it very proficiently with my friends at Minisimpli as a project management tool for Bike Showcase Mobile App. I wrote a post on how I use Trello at work for managing the technical roadmap in a mixed organization involving both IT and Marketing stakeholders.

PRICE: Trello has a great free version. For 5$/month you can add some cool features and support the project. An enterprise version called “Business Class” is available at 45$/year per user, giving access to advanced user roles.


10.000 Feet

URL: https://www.10000ft.com/


WHAT’S FOR: 10.000 Freet is a good choice if you need a more “traditional”, GANTT-based project management tool with a touch of team collaboration and a nice user interface.

PRICE: at 49$/month you can create projects with 5 members; up to 899$/month or more for very large organizations with 100+ people.

ALTERNATIVES: Liquid Planner, Mavenlink

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